Sunday, March 7, 2010

Man’s Best Friend?

Sheepdogs are what, for now, I will call the people who actually are good people.  At least that's where they usually are coming from.  They tend to be “Liberals” in the American sense of the word. 

They see the problems the wolves cause and try to protect the sheep from them.  I don’t have major problems with that, but I do have problems with where they usually end up.  They are a different sort of control freak than the wolves.  They get their pleasure not from directly getting stuff for themselves, but by getting off on controlling others.  Wolves will try to control you to rip you off.  Sheepdogs do it for your own good.  And theirs too.

I am too into my own freedom to allow someone to tell me what to do this way.  And, as I have indicated above, I don’t entirely trust the motivations of the Sheepdogs.  They may be right in thinking the sheep need protection.  I guess that’s obvious.  But I don’t want to be lumped in together with the sheep. 

Now we get to the nub of the matter for me.  How do I, and the others (hopefully) out there that aren’t falling into any of the categories of Sheep, Wolves, or Sheepdogs, get by in this world.  As I said in an earlier post, we get screwed even if we don’t participate in the insanities of the sheep.  And I just don’t have the personality or desire to be a wolf or a sheepdog.   '

Well there is the idea of separation.  In this globalized world, unless you move to a cave how do you do that?  Well, I have some ideas, but if there’s nobody else out there to join in, it’s not going to work.  So,even  though I am the quintessential modern hermit in certain ways, I will need to join with others to accomplish my goal.  Well, so it goes (Robert A. Heinlein). 

More to come on that front soon.  Meanwhile, what do we call ourselves?  I used the term Vulcans before.  But they are not animals, but fictional characters.  Ah well, my brain is tired.  I’ll think about it.